Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 1, or: OHHH its THAT room!

Beckman 206A

I didn't realize until I walked up to the room that Info Systems would be in the same room that Business Stats was in. Always liked that room since stats, because I thought it strange that uniform looking Beckman Hall also had a computer lab. Plus, it was the only room ever warm enough for my cold blooded self. Something in the Awesome Corner Room(ACR! ) must not be bad at all.

Professor Tuggle...I had met with him before registration, to get his signature on an add/drop form so I could register for the class at all. Didn't have Actg 211 done by then, but from that first meeting, I'd already gotten the impression that he is a very nice and good natured person. In addition to discovering Mgsc 300's location in the ACR, seeing Professor Tuggle "in action" was the second reason I'd rather been looking forward to the class. Listening to the Professor in person cemented my first opinions of him. He's got a nice sense of humor, and I'm thinking it will definitely keep me more focused during this class' early evening time.

Once he told us that extra credit comes in the form of blogging, I was definitely for the idea. With fond memories of playing typing games throughout elementary school, this blog will be the perfect way to quench my often thirst to type up massive walls of text. Although maybe...not so massive.

The first lecture was also rather interesting. I'd heard things about how the material in this class is enough to bore one to sleep, but I'm kind of excited about the prospect of learning about internet, technological developments, and TLAs, even. When Professor Tuggle questioned whether anyone knew what "url" meant, it made me think. I never did question what url meant! It'd come to be something I'd come to accept as a jumbled word/word construct. Much like how many times I'd come close to saying "lol" outside of internet conversation. Would lol be considered a TLA? Am I thinking too far into this?

As for the brief history of the internet, I've never questioned that later. Its history was first brought to my contemplation with Angels and Demons' claim that CERN created the internet, and then others(Angels and Demons haters? Honestly though, if fiction were completely and thoroughly researched to a T then wouldn't it become nonfiction?...but I'm digressing) debunking it. I was kind of glad to know that Angels and Demons wasn't completely wrong on the issue, and that CERN had a hand in the WWW(but not the internet! not the hardware!).

Signing off to go peruse the technological news websites, or maybe finally read that accounting textbook. Still so SO averse to the idea of reading for something like accounting...


1 comment:

  1. Grace:

    A really nice first blog on your disposition toward and experiences in the course! Keep up the good work.

    How about a photo of you--it will help me learn exactly who you are.

    Elen, huh? Sometime you need to hear the story about my father's names...yes, plural...

