Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 6: TEST!!!


The test was better than I expected in parts, and a lot worse in others. Although, now that I'm writing this post after the scores came up on blackboard, I don't really give a s*** what I was thinking at that time. What's done is done, and what's a 96 is a 96. No matter that I barely beat the average, and am personally used to being way above the average, what's solidly an A is solidly an A and I'm not going to ask for anything more.

As far as the day of the test goes, I first flipped to the last section to scout for the TLAs. I'd always extremely abhorred having to memorize and repeat anything(there's a professor I have this semester that keeps telling us to "write this down. write this down. WRITE THIS DOWN", and it annoys the heck out of me), and so before I forgot what it is I forcibly crammed into my head I wanted to spit it out on the paper and be done with it. I'm very sure I got both TCP/IP right(one of those being extra credit, I presume?), but I was thrown for a loop by seeing USB on there! I thought Professor Tuggle had just mentioned it in the beginning as a random example of similar TLAs, not that the specific USB TLA would be on the exam...

Which of course means I didn't get it right. I made a random guess that USB stood for universal storage bus...and later checked it to find that I had one/three letters right. Is there such a thing as 1/3 credit? To my dismay I also got only 2/3 right for URL, because for some reason universal resource locator made more sense to me than uniform resource locator.

So with such a bad showing on the TLAs, I was rather pessimistic for my chances on the rest of the test. I think I got the true/false section completely right, because it seemed that what was false was obviously so, and there weren't exactly subtleties meant to trip me up. (Just like Professor Tuggle promised! yay!) There was one question on the multiple choice that tripped me up pretty completely, about types of data in information systems. Whether data could be: alphanumeric, text, images, or all of the above. Part of my intuition says to go with alphanumeric, because computers deal in numbers, but in the end I went with all of the above, because it seemed excluding the other choices would be committing a fallacy of being too absolute.

For the short answer, I think I generally made out fine as well. There was more one, like the one asking us to simply list all six elements of an information system, that I found myself wondering whether it was too easy to be true. For those, all I can do is hope that it was actually true. One or two others, such as giving the definition of a cybernetic system, I feel like I didn't exactly hit on the correct "textbook" term, and skirted around the definition. I tried to do a good roundabout explanation. But I think for that one specifically, my example was good.

Overall, after a test I tend to have selective forgetting, and especially since the grades are already out, it really doesn't matter to me now what I thought of the test. What's done is done!

1 comment:

  1. Just make sure you now know the correct answers to all the questions.....and don't get all panicked over exams in this now know what they're like....
